MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

  • a08308a7f2 add shim for _ZN7android7SurfaceC1ERKNS_2spINS_22IGraphicBufferProducerEEEb

2022-08-11 09:58:32 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_kebab

2022-08-01 20:01:33 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 20:01:06 +00:00

MartB created branch twelvebroken in MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 20:00:14 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelvebroken at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 20:00:14 +00:00

MartB created branch twelvebroken in MartB/vendor_oneplus_kebab

2022-08-01 20:00:03 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelvebroken at MartB/vendor_oneplus_kebab

2022-08-01 20:00:03 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 19:35:12 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

  • 6311845891 libhistogram got extended, use proprietary

2022-08-01 19:03:36 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 18:20:11 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 18:11:33 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_kebab

2022-08-01 18:09:39 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 17:47:20 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 16:52:10 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 16:41:57 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_kebab

2022-08-01 16:39:23 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_kebab

2022-08-01 16:16:05 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_kebab

2022-08-01 16:11:56 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 15:24:12 +00:00

MartB pushed to twelve at MartB/vendor_oneplus_sm8250-common

2022-08-01 15:19:34 +00:00