/******************************************************************************************************** * @file sampleLight.c * * @brief This is the source file for sampleLight * * @author Zigbee Group * @date 2021 * * @par Copyright (c) 2021, Telink Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. ("TELINK") * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************************************/ #if (__PROJECT_TL_DIMMABLE_LIGHT__) /********************************************************************** * INCLUDES */ #include "tl_common.h" #include "zb_api.h" #include "zcl_include.h" #include "bdb.h" #include "ota.h" #include "gp.h" #include "sampleLight.h" #include "sampleLightCtrl.h" #include "app_ui.h" #include "factory_reset.h" #if ZBHCI_EN #include "zbhci.h" #endif #if ZCL_WWAH_SUPPORT #include "wwah.h" #endif /********************************************************************** * LOCAL CONSTANTS */ /********************************************************************** * TYPEDEFS */ /********************************************************************** * GLOBAL VARIABLES */ app_ctx_t gLightCtx; #ifdef ZCL_OTA extern ota_callBack_t sampleLight_otaCb; // running code firmware information ota_preamble_t sampleLight_otaInfo = { .fileVer = FILE_VERSION, .imageType = IMAGE_TYPE, .manufacturerCode = MANUFACTURER_CODE_TELINK, }; #endif // Must declare the application call back function which used by ZDO layer const zdo_appIndCb_t appCbLst = { bdb_zdoStartDevCnf, // start device cnf cb NULL, // reset cnf cb NULL, // device announce indication cb sampleLight_leaveIndHandler, // leave ind cb sampleLight_leaveCnfHandler, // leave cnf cb sampleLight_nwkUpdateIndicateHandler, // nwk update ind cb NULL, // permit join ind cb NULL, // nlme sync cnf cb NULL, // tc join ind cb NULL, // tc detects that the frame counter is near limit }; /** * @brief Definition for bdb commissioning setting */ bdb_commissionSetting_t g_bdbCommissionSetting = { .linkKey.tcLinkKey.keyType = SS_GLOBAL_LINK_KEY, .linkKey.tcLinkKey.key = (u8 *)tcLinkKeyCentralDefault, // can use unique link key stored in NV .linkKey.distributeLinkKey.keyType = MASTER_KEY, .linkKey.distributeLinkKey.key = (u8 *)linkKeyDistributedMaster, // use linkKeyDistributedCertification before testing .linkKey.touchLinkKey.keyType = MASTER_KEY, .linkKey.touchLinkKey.key = (u8 *)touchLinkKeyMaster, // use touchLinkKeyCertification before testing #if TOUCHLINK_SUPPORT .touchlinkEnable = 1, /* enable touch-link */ #else .touchlinkEnable = 0, /* disable touch-link */ #endif .touchlinkChannel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL, /* touch-link default operation channel for target */ .touchlinkLqiThreshold = 0xA0, /* threshold for touch-link scan req/resp command */ }; /********************************************************************** * LOCAL VARIABLES */ ev_timer_event_t *sampleLightAttrsStoreTimerEvt = NULL; /********************************************************************** * FUNCTIONS */ /********************************************************************* * @fn stack_init * * @brief This function initialize the ZigBee stack and related profile. If HA/ZLL profile is * enabled in this application, related cluster should be registered here. * * @param None * * @return None */ void stack_init(void) { /* Initialize ZB stack */ zb_init(); /* Register stack CB */ zb_zdoCbRegister((zdo_appIndCb_t *)&appCbLst); } /********************************************************************* * @fn user_app_init * * @brief This function initialize the application(Endpoint) information for this node. * * @param None * * @return None */ void user_app_init(void) { af_nodeDescManuCodeUpdate(MANUFACTURER_CODE_TELINK); /* Initialize ZCL layer */ /* Register Incoming ZCL Foundation command/response messages */ zcl_init(sampleLight_zclProcessIncomingMsg); /* Register endPoint */ af_endpointRegister(SAMPLE_LIGHT_ENDPOINT, (af_simple_descriptor_t *)&sampleLight_simpleDesc, zcl_rx_handler, NULL); #if AF_TEST_ENABLE /* A sample of AF data handler. */ af_endpointRegister(SAMPLE_TEST_ENDPOINT, (af_simple_descriptor_t *)&sampleTestDesc, afTest_rx_handler, afTest_dataSendConfirm); #endif /* Initialize or restore attributes, this must before 'zcl_register()' */ zcl_sampleLightAttrsInit(); zcl_reportingTabInit(); /* Register ZCL specific cluster information */ zcl_register(SAMPLE_LIGHT_ENDPOINT, SAMPLELIGHT_CB_CLUSTER_NUM, (zcl_specClusterInfo_t *)g_sampleLightClusterList); #if ZCL_GP_SUPPORT /* Initialize GP */ gp_init(); #endif #if ZCL_OTA_SUPPORT /* Initialize OTA */ ota_init(OTA_TYPE_CLIENT, (af_simple_descriptor_t *)&sampleLight_simpleDesc, &sampleLight_otaInfo, &sampleLight_otaCb); #endif #if ZCL_WWAH_SUPPORT /* Initialize WWAH server */ wwah_init(WWAH_TYPE_SERVER, (af_simple_descriptor_t *)&sampleLight_simpleDesc); #endif } s32 sampleLightAttrsStoreTimerCb(void *arg) { zcl_onOffAttr_save(); zcl_levelAttr_save(); zcl_colorCtrlAttr_save(); sampleLightAttrsStoreTimerEvt = NULL; return -1; } void sampleLightAttrsStoreTimerStart(void) { if (sampleLightAttrsStoreTimerEvt) { TL_ZB_TIMER_CANCEL(&sampleLightAttrsStoreTimerEvt); } sampleLightAttrsStoreTimerEvt = TL_ZB_TIMER_SCHEDULE(sampleLightAttrsStoreTimerCb, NULL, 200); } void sampleLightAttrsChk(void) { if (gLightCtx.lightAttrsChanged) { gLightCtx.lightAttrsChanged = FALSE; if (zb_isDeviceJoinedNwk()) { sampleLightAttrsStoreTimerStart(); } } } void report_handler(void) { if (zb_isDeviceJoinedNwk()) { if (zcl_reportingEntryActiveNumGet()) { u16 second = 1; // TODO: fix me reportNoMinLimit(); // start report timer reportAttrTimerStart(second); } else { // stop report timer reportAttrTimerStop(); } } } void app_task(void) { app_key_handler(); localPermitJoinState(); if (BDB_STATE_GET() == BDB_STATE_IDLE) { // factroyRst_handler(); report_handler(); #if 0 /* NOTE: If set to '1', the latest status of lighting will be stored. */ sampleLightAttrsChk(); #endif } } static void sampleLightSysException(void) { zcl_onOffAttr_save(); zcl_levelAttr_save(); zcl_colorCtrlAttr_save(); SYSTEM_RESET(); // led_on(LED_POWER); // while(1); } /********************************************************************* * @fn user_init * * @brief User level initialization code. * * @param isRetention - if it is waking up with ram retention. * * @return None */ void user_init(bool isRetention) { (void)isRetention; /* Initialize LEDs*/ led_init(); hwLight_init(); // factroyRst_init(); /* Initialize Stack */ stack_init(); /* Initialize user application */ user_app_init(); /* Register except handler for test */ sys_exceptHandlerRegister(sampleLightSysException); /* Adjust light state to default attributes*/ light_adjust(); /* User's Task */ #if ZBHCI_EN zbhciInit(); ev_on_poll(EV_POLL_HCI, zbhciTask); #endif ev_on_poll(EV_POLL_IDLE, app_task); /* Read the pre-install code from NV */ if (bdb_preInstallCodeLoad(&gLightCtx.tcLinkKey.keyType, gLightCtx.tcLinkKey.key) == RET_OK) { g_bdbCommissionSetting.linkKey.tcLinkKey.keyType = gLightCtx.tcLinkKey.keyType; g_bdbCommissionSetting.linkKey.tcLinkKey.key = gLightCtx.tcLinkKey.key; } /* Set default reporting configuration */ u8 reportableChange = 0x00; bdb_defaultReportingCfg(SAMPLE_LIGHT_ENDPOINT, HA_PROFILE_ID, ZCL_CLUSTER_GEN_ON_OFF, ZCL_ATTRID_ONOFF, 0x0000, 0x003c, (u8 *)&reportableChange); /* Initialize BDB */ bdb_init((af_simple_descriptor_t *)&sampleLight_simpleDesc, &g_bdbCommissionSetting, &g_zbDemoBdbCb, 1); } #endif /* __PROJECT_TL_DIMMABLE_LIGHT__ */